Surgical Trials and Tribulations
Mohit Bhandari, Associate Professor of Surgery at
McMaster University and Canada Research Chair in
Musculoskeletal Outcomes presented "Surgical Trials
(and Tribulations)" at the Hospital for Sick Children. He
opened with a quote from Donald Gannon "where facts
are few, experts are many".
He paid homage to Alvin Feinstein, David Sackett, Jim
Wright and Ben Alman, and to the McMaster clinical
epidemiology group Clarity, headed by Gordon Guyatt.
The Clarity Group fosters evidence based medicine - "the
conscientious use of current best evidence for making clinical
decisions." The pillars of EBM are conscientiousness,
current best evidence and decision making. EBM has been
described as the best advance in medicine in the past 166
years and forms the basis for president Obama's Current
Effectives Research program (CER), intended to guide the
health care reforms currently underway in United States.
David Sackett devised the five levels of evidence. The
highest level -1 -randomized control trials, 2- prospective
trials, 3 -case control trials, 4- retrospective case studies and
5 - opinion. Only 10% of surgical trials are randomized
trials and 56% of reports in the surgical literature are level
4 retrospective case studies. Drugs have a very organized
pathway into practice, characterized by three phases and
generally requiring thousands of patients in phase 3 before
they are approved for general use. In sharp contrast devices
can enter into the market under the 5-10K requirement
of the US Food and Drug Administration. "If the device
is deemed substantially equivalent to a currently approved
device, it may be marketed immediately in the same regulatory
category". So, acceptable experimental biomechanics
gives direct access to the market for new devices. Not surprisingly,
many of devices are subsequently pulled from the
market as problems or failures are encountered. A recent
example is the metal on metal hip replacement.
Randomized trials and metanalysis of randomized trials
are increasing in the orthopaedic literature. However, there
are a number of problems. Many randomized trials do not
report whether the randomization was concealed from the
operating surgeons to prevent biased entry of patients to
secure a particular treatment assignment. There is a substantial
and important difference
in providers' skills. For example,
in the randomized trial of hip
fractures, residents did most of
the non-replacement operations
and consultants performed most
of the replacements, resulting
in a differential expertise bias.
Blinding and loss to follow-up
- which can be substantial, are
rarely reported.
Nine of ten orthopaedic randomized trials are underpowered
to detect significant effects. This is a sample size
problem. Deveraux (1) has developed a thoughtful discussion
of "p value fragility" related to minor changes in the
incidence of measured events in small trials. The bone
morphogenic protein study which showed a very significant
59 percent risk reduction would lose its significance if
only three events were switched from the test group to the
control group. To eliminate "this implausibility factor",
large trials are required where two or three switches would
not affect the p value. To reduce p value fragility, Mo recommends
networks with a large number of hospitals in a
large number of countries, for example the tibial fracture
study conducted by 205 surgeons in 29 countries (2).
Funders are now stating that "we only want trials that
will change practice" This puts an unmanageable burden
on investigators to have the preliminary data from a large
trial in order to qualify for funding to begin a large trial.
Industry drives innovation. 80% of orthopaedic
surgeons have industry ties. The bulk of the money for
research is currently going to clinical research organization-
globally $18 billion, an amount that is increasing
by 14% annually. It is important that these funds be
captured by academic centers as Muhammad Mamdani
is trying to do at the Li Ka Shing Knowledge Centre for
the University of Toronto.
Mohit Bhandari
In order to conduct trials with large numbers of
participants it is important for investigators to include
China and India where there are large populations (40
% of the world population) and frequent events. In India
there are road accidents every three minutes and highway
deaths every ten minutes. The challenge is that infrastructure
is lacking in these countries. It is difficult to
conduct a trauma trial if there is no 911, and no trauma
network or registry.
There are ethical issues associated with carrying out trials
in developing or lower income countries. For example
bone morphogenic protein, studied extensively in South
Africa, was simply too expensive and essentially unavailable
to South African patients following the FDA approval
of the biologic for fracture use. One of the criteria for
an ethical trial is the requirement that the agent proven
clinically effective by the trial should be available to participants
following the trial. For example, Dr. Bhandari
discussed an ongoing multinational RCT evaluating the
use of high pressure irrigation and soap in open fractures -
two simple and inexpensive therapies that could be
applied globally if proven effacious. He concluded with a
recommendation that we "think big", not limit our trials
to North America or Europe and emphasize China and
India as we expand the use of randomized trials. During
the discussion period the problem of surgeons reluctant
to admit personal equipoise was raised. "I can't tell my
patients that I don't know what I am doing". The solution
recommended is discussion of clinical equipoise, the lack
of a settled opinion in the informed medical community
as to the best available treatment - despite an individual
surgeon's personal preference.
The problem of academic credit was raised by Jack
Langer. It is difficult to convince 205 surgeons that they
will advance their careers by participating in a trial. This
is an issue that universities must confront. Promotions
committees have insufficient understanding and appreciation
of the role of collaboration. PubMed now uses
electronic listing of collaborators, and group authorship
is very slowly gaining acceptance. Participation in committees
other than the writing committee should be
given more weight in the academic setting.
(1) Devereaux, P J; Bhandari, Mohit; Clarke, Mike; Montori,
Victor M; Cook, Deborah J; Yusuf, Salim; Sackett, David L;
Cina, Claudio S ; Walter, S D; Haynes, Brian; Schunemann,
Holger J; Norman, Geoffrey R.; Guyatt, Gordon H. Need
for expertise based randomised controlled trials, BMJ 2005,
(2) Bhandari M, Guyatt G, Tornetta P, Schemitsch EH,
Swiontkowski M, Sanders D, Walter SD., Randomized trial
of reamed and unreamed intramedullary nailing of tibial
shaft fractures. Study to Prospectively Evaluate Reamed
Intramedullary Nails in Patients with Tibial Fractures; J
Bone Joint Surg Am. 2008 Dec; 90(12):2567-78.