Christopher Forrest
Appointed as Interim
Chair Division of Plastic
and Reconstructive

Christopher Forrest
As many of you know, Dimitri
Anastakis has been appointed
Interim Vice Dean of
Continuing Education and
Professional Development
(CEPD) in the Faculty of
Medicine at the University of
Toronto. Dimitri will hold this
position until June 30, 2012 or
until such time as a new Vice
Dean is appointed. With the
time commitment and responsibilities of this new position,
Dimitri has determined that while he is Interim
Vice Dean CEPD, he will not be able to serve as Division
Chair of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (PRS).
Accordingly, I am delighted to inform you that Chris
Forrest has been appointed to the position of interim
Chair of the Division of PRS. Chris is currently the
Head of the Division of Plastic Surgery at the Hospital
for Sick Children, and is an internationally acclaimed
craniofacial surgeon. Chris received his MD from
the University of Toronto in 1983, and his Royal
College subspecialty certification in plastic surgery
at the
University of Toronto in 1990. He also earned a Masters
degree from the Institute of Medical Science under the
supervision of Cho Pang in 1990. Following fellowship
training, including a pediatric craniomaxillofacial surgery
fellowship at Wayne State University in Michigan
in 1992, Chris began his faculty appointment as an
Assistant Professor in the Department of Surgery at the
University of Toronto in 1993. He became full Professor
in 2006. Chris has served as the Medical Director of the
Craniofacial Centre at the Hospital for Sick Children
since 1999.
Chris has published over 100 peer reviewed articles and
over 30 book chapters. Over the years he has received
numerous peer reviewed grants for his research on the
impact of radiation on the developing craniofacial
skeleton. He is the recipient of numerous honours and
awards including the WK Lindsay Research Supervisor
award and the Operation Herbie Doctor of the Year
Award. He has been invited to numerous visiting
Professorships across Canada, the United States and
Please help me welcome Chris Forrest into his new role
as Interim Chair in the Division of PRS.
James T. Rutka, MD, PhD, FRCSC
RS McLaughlin Professor and Chair,
Department of Surgery