Val Cabral- Keeper of
Research Flame
Val Cabral, the Department of Surgery Research Program
Manager was recruited by Ori Rotstein in 1997. Ori
asked her to help expand the research office when he
was Vice Chair of Research for the Department. The
Surgeon-Scientist Program, quite successful at that time,
has expanded remarkably since then. Val worked with
former Chairman Bernard Langer to put together a history
of the Surgeon Scientist Program. Val continuously
updates a database of grants in the Department which
has been in used the Annual Reports of the Department
and by the Divisions for their 5-year reviews.
Val says “Every Vice - Chair of Research has new
projects and agendas. They have all been delightful to
work with. One of the current projects is SSTP career
guidance for present members of the Surgeon-Scientist
Training Program. Graduates are invited to come to a
catered evening meeting at the Peter Gilgan Centre and
the speakers, all former surgeon scientists, SSTP supervisors,
or SSTP graduates, make the rounds moving from
table to table. Sixteen surgeons and scientists participated
last year with 38 trainees.”
“Gallie Day, our annual celebration of Surgical
Science, starts planning with Michael Fehlings and the
Research Committee members suggestions and immense
commitment. James Byrne and Chris Ahuja are the
SSTP representatives who work along with 22 others
from the divisions, meeting bi-monthly to plan PGY
1 & 2 Research Orientation, Gallie Day and Alman
Research Rounds, among many other issues. At the
Research Strategic Plan Retreat, there were 58 participants
from the Surgeon-Scientist, Surgeon-Investigator,
Surgeon- Teacher and Scientist ranks. They held panels
on Memoranda of Agreement, PAC meetings and advice
on two year reviews. There was a full discussion of the
program, including fundraising, funding, future plans.”
“This year, we received 31 abstracts to compete for
the 10 oral presentation openings, and 66 applications
for the poster presentations - the biggest year ever for
submissions. Since two years ago, all poster presentations
are done electronically - 5 minutes presentations before
electronic screens in the MaRS building. There are 10
screens in 3 rooms. The Presentations 2 Go company
from Mississauga sets them up at 6.30 in the morning
of Gallie Day. One screen in the lobby scrolls all of the
presentations continuously to give attendees an opportunity
to decide in advance which presentations to attend.”
“The Surgeon-Scientist Training Program was supported
generously by the Johnson and Johnson company
for 10 years until Malcom Eade retired. Other support
comes from the Rutka Trust and other endowment trust
funds. Neil Fleshner, Chris Forrest, and Tom Forbes are
working to raise funds for the SSTP in their divisions.”
Val writes draft reference letters, reports such as the
research report and Gallie Day synopsis for the Vice
Chair of Research. She also drafts the research reports
for the Spotlight for the Vice Chair of Research. She
continues to say that she has been mentored by the best
of the best, starting in Pharmacology and continuing in
Val is an excellent writer, as evidenced by poetry prizes
that she has won, and a moving tribute to her mother,
which won one of the Seaton Village Lane Naming
contest. The “Belmira Fumo Lane” in the Bloor and
Bathurst area was named in her mother’s honour. A
neighbor nominated Belmira who was a supportive
and loving presence in the community. Val serves as a
Minister at St. Dominic’s Church in Mississauga, volunteers
at Toronto Rehabilitation Institute by bringing
patients to mass once a week, and prepares tax returns
pro bono for Portuguese seniors, carrying on the public
service and neighborliness inspired by her mother.