Grants & Fellowships
David Cadotte (NeurSurg) has been selected by
the Congress of Neurological Surgeons Fellowships
Committee to receive the 2009-2010 CNS/Synthes
Spine Fellowship.
David has also received a two-year Ontario
Neurotrauma Foundation (ONF) for Graduate
Studentship and Post-doctoral Fellowship Award in
Spinal Cord Injury Research. This award is for his
research project entitled "Functional magnetic resonance
imaging evaluation of the injured human spinal cord: an
assessment of recovery and functional plasticity".
Peter Dirks, James Rutka and Michael Taylor (NeurSurg) are the recipients of a $1 million research
grant from the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation Grant.
Their proposal is entitled "The role of isochromosome
17q in pediatric medulloblastoma".
Peter Dirks (NeurSurg) has been awarded a Canadian
Cancer Research Society grant for his work on "Defining
cancer stem cell and clonal heterogeneity in mouse brain
Michael Fehlings (NeurSurg) and Albert Yee (OrthSurg)
have had the SpineLINK project selected and approved
by the Sunnybrook and UHN AFP grants panel.
Michael Fehlings (NeurSurg) has been awarded a
3-year operating grant from CIHR for his project
"Psychometric testing of a new scale measuring medical
outcomes of dysphagia (MOD) in adult patients with
swallowing disorders secondary to stroke, cervical spine
abnormalities and head and neck cancer".
Ab Guha (NeurSurg) received one year of bridge funding
from CIHR for his work on "Glioblastoma Multiforme
Clement Hamani (NeurSurg) received a Young
Investigator Award/grant from NARSAD - National
Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression
for his project on "Deep Brain Stimulation in an Animal
Model of Depression".
Andres Lozano (NeurSurg) received a grant from the
Dystonia Medical Research Foundation for his work
entitled "Effects of internal globus pallidus deep brain
stimulation for dystonia on cortical circuits and plasticity".
Demitre Serletis (NeurSurg) received a research fellowship
from the American Academy of Neurological
Surgery/Neurosurgery Research and Education
Subodh Verma (CardSurg) was recently awarded the following
grants at the Fall 2008 national competitions:
a) Role of the tumor suppressor gene BRCA1 in adverse
cardiac remodelling (Heart and Stroke Foundation of
Canada and Canadian Institutes of Health Research)
b) Elucidating the in vivo role of adiponectin in inflammation:
a biochemical and pharmacological approach
(Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada)
c) Neuregulin-1 as a novel treatment for endothelial
dysfunction and atherosclerosis (Heart and Stroke
Foundation of Canada)
Subodh and Milan Gupta have recently established The
Canadian Cardiovascular Research Network (CCRN), a
not-for-profit academic research organization that aims
to foster basic, translational, clinical and population level
research efforts and generate new knowledge to improve
cardiovascular care in Canada. CCRN has been awarded
3.8 million from AstraZeneca to run an Investigatorinitiated
study entitled PARADIGM aimed at evaluating
atherosclerosis risk stratification in primary care.