Promotions & Appointments
Dear Colleagues,
As you know, Professor James Rutka has served our
Department as the Dan Family Professor and Chair of
the Division of Neurosurgery for the last eleven years.
To capture Jim's accomplishments in a few sentences is
impossible. Suffice it to say that Jim has been an incredible
leader of what may just be the best Division of
Neurosurgery in the world. Our Department is indebted
to Jim for his great gifts to the Department over the last
decade; the gift of his time, the gift of his talents, and the
gift of his commitment.
We are extremely pleased to announce that Professor
Andres Lozano has accepted the position of Chair of the
Division of Neurosurgery for a five-year term starting
September 1, 2010. Andres is a functional neurosurgeon
at the Toronto Western Hospital of University Health
Network. Andres is married to Marie and they have two
boys, Alexander, age 16 and Christopher, age 14. Andres
is a world-renowned neurosurgeon, having made seminal
contributions throughout his career. He holds the
Tasker Chair in functional neurosurgery and is a Canada
Research Chair.
Andres went to medical school at the University of
Ottawa and then did his neurosurgery residency and
PhD at McGill. He then came to Toronto as a fellow in
functional neurosurgery under Ron Tasker.
Since his appointment to our Department, Andres'
accomplishments have been tremendous. To mention a
few, Andres is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, a
member of the Order of Spain, the recipient of the Royal
College of Physicians and Surgeons Medal in Surgery,
the recipient of the Penfield award from the Canadian
Neurosurgical Society and he will deliver the Winn Prize
lecture, an honour bestowed upon him by the Society of
Neurological Surgeons.
Andres work in neurosurgery has focused on the use
of brain stimulation to treat Parkinson's disease. More
recently this pioneering work has been extended to treat
patients with depression and with Alzheimer's disease.
Andres has published in excess of three hundred papers,
holds multiple peer reviewed grants and has delivered 400
lectures to universities and learned societies worldwide.
Please join us in thanking Jim Rutka for eleven fabulous
years and welcoming Andres as the new Chair in
David Latter and Richard Reznick
Darius Bagli was promoted to Full Professor in the
Division of Urology
David Fisher was promoted to Associate Professor in the
Division of Plastic Surgery
William Tucker was promoted to Professor in the
Division of Neurosurgery
Eric Massicotte was promoted to Associate Professor in
the Division of Neurosurgery
Michael Taylor was promoted to Associate Professor in
the Division of Neurosurgery.
Michael was also appointed as Chair, Young Investigators
Committee, Society for Neuro-Oncology.
Barry Rubin (PlasSurg) has been appointed as Program Medical
Director of the Peter Munk Cardiac Center.
Gideon Cohen, Sunnybrook has been appointed as the
new Program Director for the Division of Cardiac Surgery.
Chris Wallace (Division of Neurosurgery) has been
appointed as President of the Canadian Neurosurgical
Society for a term of 2 years.