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Extending Trauma Training Internationally

Jameel Ali
Jameel Ali
Dr. Jameel Ali, Professor of Surgery and Director of the University of Toronto Advanced Trauma Life Support Training Program for residents is a member of the Division of General Surgery at St. Michael's Hospital and part of the International Trauma Education Faculty of the American College of Surgeons.

On October 19th - 20th, 2007, Dr. Ali conducted an Advanced Trauma Life Support Instructor Course for physicians in Costa Rica under the auspices of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Costa Rica. This program is an extension of the Trauma Outreach Program which originated at St. Michael's Hospital last year when physicians from Costa Rica were trained in Advanced Trauma Life Support.

Faculty and Coordinators of the ATLS Course
Faculty and Coordinators of the ATLS Course
Participants of the Costa Rica Course
Participants of the Costa Rica Course

Following this program, Dr. Ali conducted Trauma Evaluation and Management (TEAM) Programs for 400 medical students at St. George's University in Grenada.

Dr. Ali was part of the American College of Surgeons international ATLS promulgation faculty at their annual meeting and the Advanced Trauma Life Support Instructor Course in Karachi, Pakistan. These were the inaugural courses sponsored by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Pakistan. Dr. Ali will train other educators together with ATLS instructors so that Pakistan will have a self sustaining Training Program in Trauma Care similar to those in 46 other countries where the program has previously been introduced. Since its inception, over 750,000 physicians have been trained internationally through the Advanced Trauma Life Support Program in the concepts of care of severely injured victims.

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