John Semple Chief of Surgery at the New Women's College Hospital

John Semple on Mount Everest
The Women's College Hospital will break ground for a new building starting in 2009. A new Ambulatory Care Centre will consolidate ambulatory services with a strong focus on surgery. Renovations are already underway in the current building to develop offices and clinics for surgeons under the direction of Surgeon-in-Chief John Semple. They currently run five operating rooms, with eight to be built in the new facility. Health Minister George Smitherman has designated the hospital as an "academic ambulatory surgery facility" for the LHINs. Surgery will be a major focus; the hospital's results will be used as benchmarks for the entire province.

Surgical Leadership Day
Friday, April 4, 2008
Timothy Daniels (OrthSurg), Johnny Lau (OrthSurg), Mark A.Glazebrook, Alastair Younger, Murray J. Penner, Kevin J.Wing, Ross Leighton and Michael Dunbar, members of the Canadian Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society (COFAS), were awarded the 2007 Roger A. Mann, MD, Award for paper entitled: "Comparison of Health Related Quality of Life Between Patients with End Stage Arthritis and Hip Arthritis" presented at The American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society (AOFAS) Annual Summer Meeting in Toronto, on July 12 to 15, 2007.

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